The original

Christmas Countdown

bot for Discord

Added to over 10,000 Discord servers since 2018, the Christmas Countdown bot for Discord has several core features to help you prepare for and enjoy the festive season, including: two types of countdown, a Santa Tracker, Secret Santa event organisation, Christmas jokes, and commands to tell you exactly how long is left until Christmas in your timezone.


Daily countdown

The original feature - use the webhook countdown to get the number of sleeps left until Christmas sent to the selected channel every morning.


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Santa tracker Experimental

Check Santa's location with a message that updates every few minutes on Christmas Eve. Requires the webhook countdown to be enabled.


Countdown widget New

If you want a more subtle countdown, you can use the widget countdown to display the number of sleeps or hours left until Christmas at the top of your server's channel list.

Widget Widget

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Time left to Christmas in...

months, weeks, sleeps, days, hours, minutes, seconds, or the total time left.


Secret Santa Experimental

Whether it's for a small group of friends who are sharing physical presents, or a large community exchanging virtual gifts (such as in-game items), this experimental feature makes it easy to organise a Secret Santa event.

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Use the /joke command to get a random Christmas joke.


In your timezone and language

Set your server's and your personal timezone to make the countdown and commands more accurate.

You can also customise the bot by changing your server's and personal language.

All timezones are supported, and there are currently 9 supported languages. You can contribute on Weblate to improve translations.

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All of these features are available for free.

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