
The available commands are shown in this screenshot of the help command.

help command output

Click on the commands below to find out more about each one.


Get the number of days left until Christmas in your timezone
Get the number of hours left until Christmas in your timezone
Get a random one of over 100 Christmas jokes
Get the number of minutes left until Christmas in your timezone
Get the number of months left until Christmas in your timezone
Get the link to add the Christmas Radio bot to your server
Get the number of seconds left until Christmas in your timezone
Manage the naughty list
Check who each participant is assigned to
See who you need to give a gift to
Get the total time left until Christmas in your timezone
Get the day of the week that Christmas Day is on
Get the number of weeks left until Christmas in your timezone


List the available commands
Get information and statistics about the bot (link the stats dashboard)
Add the bot to your own Discord server
Get connection information
Submit a suggestion
Submit a new joke


Update your server's settings (timezone, locale etc)
Reset your server's settings (timezone, locale etc)
View your server's settings (timezone, locale etc)
Set up the countdown webhook or widget
Toggle the countdown on/off (same as `enabled` server setting)
View your personal settings (timezone, locale etc)
Reset your personal settings (timezone, locale etc)
View your personal settings (timezone, locale etc)